商品名:Genius Brain(ジェニアスブレイン)


Product Name: Genius Brain(ジェニアスブレイン)
Internal Capacity: 86.4g (480mg×180Capsules) 
Retail Price: 15,000Yen (tax excluded)
Shelf Life: 2 Years

Applicable people group: Children, students, candidates for an entrance examination, and intellectual workers,etc.


The Genius Brain is developed based on the brain nutrition science and brain activation theory as a good supplement for improving the IQ, memory and thinking ability.

The Genius Brain is a scientifically balanced food supplement which mixed 15 kinds of different nutrients needed for brain, including Patent ingredient sardine peptide extraction, DHA, EPA, DPA, DNA nucleic acid, GABA, etc. , which can support your health life.

Preservatives, artificial colorings are NOT added in the Genius Brain!

DHA-containing purified fish oil, sardine peptide extraction, harp seal oil, hericium erinaceus, GABA, DNA (nucleic acid), grape seed extract, soy lecithin, vitamin C, L- theanine, vitamin B1, vitamin B6, calcium pantothenate, vitamin B12.


Sardine peptide extraction which is the principal component of the Genius Brain, got five patents on manufacturing method and functionality, and 12 patents still in application.

Enjoy the Genius Brain and become a genius!

Wish you have a mind like a steel-trap, a good memory, and a phenomenal IQ.




〒599-0201 大阪府阪南市尾崎町1-44-1
電話 072-471-8760(代表) FAX  072-471-8048

〒116-0014 東京都荒川区東日暮里5-45-10 能美ビル 202号室
電話 03-5615-1301     FAX  03-5615ー1303



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